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The Basics of Monster MMORPG

How To Play MonsterMMORPG Game Quick Tutorial

This is the map screen on the game.

Click here to go game page and start playing

On the main map screen you will see the overworld sprites of both your character and other players currently in the same area.

There are 3 types of buildings that you can enter. To enter a building, simply move upward through the doors.

The first type is the Monster Center, where you can heal your team and change your team monsters.

The second type is the Shop, where you can buy and sell items, as well as buy, sell, or trade monsters.

The third type is the Monster Arena, where you can challenge strong NPC trainers to obtain Monster MMORPG badges and Mythical Tablets for teaching new moves to your monsters.

Wild monsters can be found by walking through the tall grass areas on each of the maps. The appearance of the grass may change somewhat depending on the zone.

When you hover the mouse cursor over another player's sprite, a menu will appear. This menu gives you two choices: you can view the other player's profile or challenge him/her to a live PvP battle.

Monster MMORPG has a easy and advanced navigation system.

You have 3 options to move on the game maps.

You can use w,a,s,d keys on the keyboard to move north, left, south or east.

You can use arrow keys on the keyboard to move north, left, south or east.

You can use navigation arrows on the screen to move but this has another feature. You can also move multiple steps with using navigation arrows. Change the center box value to move multiple steps with 1 click.

For fluent moving either keep pressing w,a,s,d or arrow keys on the keyboard.

While walking on the monster appearing areas such as grass you will encounter with wild monsters.

Game screen will show you the Monster ID, name and the level.

The monster properties get assigned when you enter the battle such as IV values, Nature and abilities.

Individual values are similar to UV values at Pokémon online games but with an advanced way.

You have to option when you encounter a wild monster.

You can either try to battle or try to run. You need have a faster Monster in your team in order to run.

To prevent cheating times to times you may not run even if you have faster Monster.

If you hover over Monster image you will see its features such as class, total base stats and types.

If you click right bottom little dex item it will open Monster Dex page where you can see Monster details such as moves, default abilities, ability pool, drawing artist, type effectiveness and so on.

This is the quick toosl box at main game screen.

First three boxes are nets (Regular Net, Quality Net, Perfect Net). You need to buy nets from the market first in order to use.

After you have at least 1 net, you can use permanently them.

Stand near water areas and click net items to use quickly. It will search for net appearing water monsters.

The bag is shortcut to items page.

At items page you can use items to heal your monsters or make your monsters stronger and transform some of your monsters (like evolution stone in Pokémon games to evolve Pikachu to Raichu).

The three mini monster icons is a short cut to see your monster team page. At monster team page you can transform your monsters or release them to the wild or see their details.

The mini map icon opens the map-route details you are currently in.

At maps details page you can see appearing monsters Name, Class, Min Level, Max Level, Average EXP, Average Gold, TP Reward (like EV values in Pokémon but advanced), Appear Chance.

Also the appearing monsters features you can see the trainers those maps contains, NPC trainers features and the rewards they are giving.

There is also shortcut icon to the MonsterDex page.

And finally our message box icon.

When you click message box icon it will open the message box page where you can see your private messages.

When moving on the map it gets updated as well as at each page load.

When you have a new message its image will change so while playing the game you can easily notice you have a new private message (pm).

It is important to see your location some times. At this screen you can see your location and coordinates.

Surface type is really important. At some surfaces monsters do appear such as grass areas are Monster Habitat, Cave Surface etc.

We have 19 zones, each type zone and finally mixed zone. Mixed zone is the hardest one with a lot of very strong monsters and NPC trainers.

After zone 14 game starts to become really hard.

We have 520 game maps and have over 1,000 NPC trainers. Due to the massive size of the game we provide NPC battles history to make your tracking job easier.

Each day at game statistics update time 7 am game time, NPC battle history get reset so you can battle again.

Also at each update which new monster added, we re-roll all monsters and NPCs on the maps so it is like a brand new game at each update.

Also please subscribe our Youtube channel to watch our gameplay videos.

And finally we have a special voting page. Voting each day increases our game popularity. Also with voting you can gain rewards.

You have 1 rights to vote each day. But if you clear your all cookies and change your ip, you can vote multiple times in a day and get multiple rewards.

Monster MMORPG has a very advanced live battle PvP system.

You can do live Player versus Player battles with your best friends or other players around the world and have fun and show your skills.

Without PvP a MMORPG is not a true MMORPG.

We show all PvP battles to the public with log reports so you can make tournaments.

From PvP offers page you can offer pvp to other players and accept or reject offers to you.

When you get a PvP offer the third button will appear. This requires either page reload or movement on the map.

Monster MMORPG has a specially coded chat screen and it is integrated to the game.

While playing the game you can have chat with your friends even at your own mother language.

Chat screen shows players name, and the top trainers rank also the map where the player currently is.

There are also shortcuts to open player profile, offering pvp battle and sending pm to the players.

You can also delete your own message and block other players at the chat screen.

If you click on the map name on chat screen it will open that map details page.

Chat screen also displays players country flag under their user name.

If you hover over the country flag you can see the country name.

Under chat screen panel you can completey hide the chat pane.

Also there is a button under chat screen to see last 250 messages of chatting history.

Chat screen is automatically refreshed every 30 seconds or you can force to refresh with right top green refresh icon.

Each map has at least 1 map etrance/exit locations.

These are at the borders of maps usuallay.

From maps details page you can see full size of maps so you can easily spot the locations where to go other maps.

Starting town map exit location is at the top right corner of the map.

Some maps may have cave entrance style map change gates.

Once you click battle button you will get redirected to the monster selection page.

At this page you can see your monsters details to decide go with which monster.

Monster MMORPG one another great aspect that differst it from other Pokémon online games is that you can give pet names to your tamed monsters.

Because we keep information of every monster that is captured by people.

This make monster mmorpg far more advanced than other Pokémon MMORPG games out there.

At this page if you click monster image it opens the monster details page.

Monster details page displays all information about that particular monster and also you can name your pet monster there.

Also if you want your team monsters get ordered enter the number from small to big and click save button.

Smaller numbers will get ordered first.

Battle page of Monster MMORPG is the actually most advanced section.

Behind the scenes there are thousands of lines code to run all of the game mechanics.

We have so many different move effects, ability effects and item effects that works perfectly.

Also battle page fully supports live PvP battle with other players.

Page itself pretty much explanatory.

When you are battling with wild monsters, you can catch them with throwing monster boxes.

Each monster box has different features such as Dark box have 3.5x more likely to catch chance if the enemy wild monster is dark type other wise 0.25x chance.

You can also use battle items during the battle.

Both using items and monster boxes are disabled when PvP'in and at NPC trainer battles including Gym leaders.

Status effects, abilities, hold items changes your monster stats.

There are various status effects such as bleeding, burning, frozen, etc...

Also there are stats stages such as +1 attack stat stage increases your monster's Attack stat to 150%.

The game also has end of turn events and multiple turn attacks as well.

Click the attack move name in order to use attack.

Each attack has move points (MP) similar to PP in Pokémon games.

They can be restored with items or from monster center.

At Monster MMORPG you can even see any monster details completey which is a unique feature that other Pokémon MMORPG games doesn't have.

We are also using high detailed artworks at the game including battle page which makes game more fun and interesting.

Also unline in other Pokémon Online games you can close your browser and continue your fight any time, any where.

Every action in the game immediately saved.

This is Monster MMORPG battle result page.

You will get to this page after each NPC trainer battle or wild Monster battle if you defeated the enemy Monsters.

At this page your monster will learn new moves.

Due to the current poor page design you can learn 1 move at a time.

You will gain only gold and exp from wild monster battles but you may gain item rewards from NPC trainers battles.

You can gain only 1 level at a battle so continue battling if you EXP has passed your next level.

You will also gain TP points after each battle.

Per stat 4 TP points increases stat value.

Per stat can have TP points up to 400.

Maximum total TP points can up to 800.

This page will be hopefully completey re-designed in a more modern and useful fashion.

At the menu bar hover over Players tab to see useful players related pages.

Top trainers page displays first 1,000 ranked players.

Top trainers page statistics get re-calculated once every 24 hours.

This event happens at every day 7 am game time.

Also you can see online players, or see all players and search any player with advanced filtering features.

And finally monster trade/sell history page displays all Legendary and Ancient monsters trades and sell events to prevent real life money, sell, trade and hacking other accounts.

At the menu bar hover Profile tab to see users and your profile related features.

My ranks - My values link opens your own profile page. At your own profile page you can see details about your account.

Your profile page provides detailed statistics about your account such as your badges, your top trainers rank, your avatar, your total points, and your ranks at many different details statistics.

You can see each other player profile page and see same details about their accounts too.

My items link open your item inventory and you can use items there and transform certain monsters.

My team page opens your monster team and from there you can click to see your monster details and also release them to the wild.

Control panel is another very important page where you can change your password, email, starting monster, username, overworld sprite avatar, profile avatar.

Message Box opens inbox.

NPC Battle Tracker link opens NPC battles history. Previously explained.

Blocked players link opens your blocked other players settings page. At this page you can add remove players to your block list.

This block list applies to in game chat screen.

At the menu bar hover over Misc tab to see game mechanics and features related shortcuts.

Game maps link opens game maps page where it shows each zone features and access links.

MonsterDex opens Monster Pedia page.

Type Chart opens Type Chart page where it shows types effectiveness agains other types.

All Monsters opens a special monster displaying page where it shows relatively big monster images with a lot of filtering features. At this page you can quickly and easily take a look at Monster MMORPG monsters.

Nature List opens nature page where you can see MonsterMMORPG monsters natures and what do those natures do.

Abilities List opens ability page where you can see MonsterMMORPG monsters abilities and what do those abilities do.

Game videos opens video page where you can see monstermmorpg gameplay tutorial videos and other related videos.

Game screenshots opens screenshots page where you can see monstermmorpg gameplay screenshots.

Game Banners opens banners page where you can see monstermmorpg high quality banners and logos.

Game avatars opens MonsterMMORPG profile avatars page. Monster MMORPG has over 500 high quality game profile avatars which you can use in game at your profile.

Monster Boxes are very important to new players. MonsterBoxes are used to catch wild monsters.

They can be obtained via Monster MMORPG Shop buildings.

Enter the inside of shop building via walking through the door.

Once you entered inside click buy item shop button.

At this page you will see various items available to purchase.

We have many filters here to make your job easier.

Click Monster Box filter to display only Monster Box items.

Navigate second page and there you can Great box or regular Monster Box as a beginner.

Then you can use these boxes to catch wild monsters at the battles.

In order to transform your monster to another stage first visit your monster dex page.

Go to monster dex page and type your monster name to Filter By Name box and click filter button.

Once you entered 2 letters or more it will start populating monster names so you can easily select.

Once filtered click monster name and open monster details page.

At there hover a bit lower and you will see monster stages (if it has other transformation forms) and what is required for next stage.

Once your monster satisfies next stage hover over profile tab and click my team.

Once page opened click transform monster button and at the below you will see either successfully transformed or missing requirement.

Some transformations do require special items to be used on them.

Example one is 135 Duoris - Use item Luna Gem

For transforming this monster go to shop and buy Luna Gem.

After that hover Profile tab and click my items.

From there select Luan Gem and use it on your monster.

At the control panel page you can change your username 1 time only.

You can pick profile avatar from our in game avatars gallery.

You can change your current password.

You can change your current email.

Each email change requires re-verification.

You can select a new overworld sprite image.

As you gain more badges you can select more awesome overworld sprites.

It is also allowed to use custom profile avatars that meets our profile image restrictions such as maximum 150 pixel.

You can also change your starter monster as many as times you want.

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