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18:12 PM (Night)
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Warriors Valley Click to see this route's zone global map. This is the best way of finding your path Click to see all zones (1-19) world map image. Big size image
Average Level: 62
Average EXP: 3056
Average Gold: 152
Different Monsters: 77
Zenith Monsters: 9
Legendary Monsters: 8
Ancient Monsters: 5
Route Order 301
The Reachable Maps From This Map
NPC Trainers found on this Map
Fighting Trainer
110,129 EXP
5,506 Gold
1 x MT958
1 x MT961
Name Class Level Held Item
Raccali Regular 72 Brutal Weapon
Name Class Level Held Item
Khamega Superior 72 Razor Weapon
Name Class Level Held Item
Fueriga Emissary 70 Burning Weapon
Name Class Level Held Item
Gorukken Zenith 70 SpDefense Armor
Fighting Trainer
116,503 EXP
5,825 Gold
1 x Vampiric Weapon
1 x SHappiness Potion
Name Class Level Held Item
Altrupine Regular 70 Superior Weapon
Name Class Level Held Item
Mahaserap Regular 70 Mystical Weapon
Name Class Level Held Item
Gobi Emissary 70 Wise Warrior
Name Class Level Held Item
Sfhimr Emissary 71 Fighting Crystal
Name Class Level Held Item
Bonobo Emissary 72 Razor Claw
Fighting Trainer
89,767 EXP
4,488 Gold
1 x Accuracy Serum
1 x Attack Serum
Name Class Level Held Item
Barbiurn Superior 70 Lava Walker
Name Class Level Held Item
Drosera Superior 71 Attack Weapon
Name Class Level Held Item
Graero Zenith 70 Sleeping Weapon
Walking On The Map (Grass, Clouds Surface, Cave Surface)
Name Class Min Level Max Level Average EXP Average Gold TP Reward Appear Chance Have Event
Monsumo Regular 55 56 1062 53 Def: 2 6.39%
Blockid Regular 55 56 1094 54 Speed: 2 6.16%
Yellowboyo Regular 55 56 1125 56 Def: 2 6.16%
Ninjaott Regular 55 56 1221 61 SpAtk: 2 6.16%
Matara Regular 55 56 1300 65 Def: 2 6.16%
Hawkout Regular 55 56 1316 65 HP: 2 6.16%
Puffkat Regular 55 56 1332 66 SpAtk: 2 6.16%
Salaritian Regular 55 56 1347 67 Speed: 2 6.16%
Altrupine Regular 55 56 1363 68 Atk: 2 6.16%
Mahaserap Regular 55 56 1379 68 SpDef: 2 6.16%
Dodumb Regular 55 56 1379 68 Atk: 2 6.16%
Raccali Regular 55 56 1379 68 SpDef: 2 6.16%
Kingfly Superior 57 58 3285 164 SpDef: 2 1.75%
Nutrinatos Superior 57 58 3367 168 SpAtk: 2 1.75%
Dreadpire Superior 57 58 3482 174 SpDef: 3 1.75%
Carbuncle Superior 57 58 3647 182 Speed: 3 1.75%
Khamega Superior 57 58 3729 186 Atk: 2 1.75%
Barbiurn Superior 57 58 3762 188 SpAtk: 3 1.75%
Drosera Superior 57 58 3860 193 SpDef: 2 1.75%
Terraspin Superior 57 58 3893 194 Def: 2 1.75%
Flocoon Emissary 60 61 1106 55 SpDef: 2 0.88%
Camedot Emissary 60 61 1158 57 Atk: 1 0.88%
Flamlu Emissary 60 61 1279 63 Speed: 2 0.88%
Platigor Emissary 60 61 1365 68 SpDef: 2 0.88%
Tweemon Emissary 60 61 1382 69 Def: 2 0.88%
Gobi Emissary 60 61 3457 172 Def: 3 0.88%
Fueriga Emissary 60 61 3647 182 SpAtk: 3 0.88%
Bonobo Emissary 60 61 3664 183 SpAtk: 2 0.88%
Michanna Emissary 60 61 3785 189 SpAtk: 2 0.88%
Sfhimr Emissary 60 61 3941 197 Def: 3 0.88%
Longkong Emissary 60 61 8331 416 SpDef: 2 0.88%
Lavadile Emissary 60 61 8625 431 Speed: 3 0.88%
Exaxum Emissary 60 61 9126 456 Def: 3 0.88%
Graero Zenith 63 64 57331 2866 Atk: 3 0.08%
Gorukken Zenith 63 64 60234 3011 Atk: 3 0.08%
Blobelisk Zenith 63 64 61141 3057 Def: 3 0.08%
Sounore Zenith 63 64 62502 3125 SpDef: 3 0.08%
Swamphibian Legendary 68 69 357178 17858 Speed: 3 0.04%
Diode Legendary 68 69 364028 18201 Speed: 3 0.04%
Gigoliath Ancient 73 74 2079000 103950 SpAtk: 4 0.01%
Using Regular Net Item
Name Class Min Level Max Level Average EXP Average Gold TP Reward Appear Chance Have Event
Cachareef Regular 55 56 1268 63 SpDef: 2 31.73%
Tsuniathan Regular 55 56 1347 67 Atk: 2 31.7%
Turteen Superior 57 58 969 48 Atk: 1 9.02%
Hefsteal Superior 57 58 1150 57 SpAtk: 2 9.02%
Ultipulore Superior 57 58 3318 165 Def: 2 9.02%
Saberus Emissary 60 61 3284 164 Speed: 2 4.55%
Sharjaw Emissary 60 61 8625 431 Def: 3 4.55%
Warcrab Zenith 63 64 61595 3079 SpDef: 3 0.32%
Yaitosion Legendary 68 69 368921 18446 HP: 4 0.08%
Kaimauna Ancient 73 74 1963500 98175 SpAtk: 4 0.01%
Using Quality Net Item
Name Class Min Level Max Level Average EXP Average Gold TP Reward Appear Chance Have Event
Fowlant Regular 64 66 1560 78 Atk: 2 49.8%
Urnia Superior 66 68 1416 70 Speed: 2 14.17%
Roytune Superior 66 68 4077 203 Speed: 2 14.17%
Kaplus Emissary 69 71 1340 67 SpDef: 1 7.15%
Aquatish Emissary 69 71 1400 70 Atk: 2 7.15%
Gelidus Emissary 69 71 10040 502 SpDef: 3 7.15%
Orcinus Zenith 72 74 63614 3180 Def: 3 0.32%
Mobus Legendary 77 79 422871 21143 SpAtk: 4 0.04%
Paradoxus Legendary 77 79 460757 23037 SpAtk: 4 0.04%
Mizukaji Ancient 82 84 2169857 108492 Def: 4 0.01%
Using Perfect Net Item
Name Class Min Level Max Level Average EXP Average Gold TP Reward Appear Chance Have Event
Froscat Regular 75 76 1380 69 Atk: 1 27.93%
Moranagi Regular 75 76 1768 88 Atk: 2 27.9%
Bossimp Regular 75 76 1876 93 Def: 2 27.9%
Lanx Superior 77 78 1926 96 SpDef: 2 7.94%
Shellmagmo Superior 77 78 4561 228 Speed: 2 7.94%
Quensea Zenith 83 84 72645 3632 SpDef: 3 0.1%
Enormousquatch Zenith 83 84 79205 3960 Def: 3 0.1%
Tarantulice Zenith 83 84 83142 4157 Atk: 3 0.1%
Cretoxyrhina Legendary 88 89 504450 25222 SpDef: 4 0.08%
Mizukaji Ancient 90 90 2352857 117642 Def: 4 0.01%
Walking On The Water (Hyper Surf Move Required)
Name Class Min Level Max Level Average EXP Average Gold TP Reward Appear Chance Have Event
Octopod Regular 55 56 1221 61 Speed: 2 46.63%
Seamonster Superior 57 58 3795 189 SpAtk: 3 13.26%
Amphipod Superior 57 58 3795 189 SpAtk: 3 13.26%
Dracicle Emissary 60 61 3439 171 Def: 2 6.69%
Gelidus Emissary 60 61 8677 433 SpDef: 3 6.69%
Glacio Emissary 60 61 8746 437 Atk: 3 6.69%
Pressice Emissary 60 61 9524 476 HP: 3 6.69%
Mobus Legendary 68 69 371367 18568 SpAtk: 4 0.04%
Armoredturtle Legendary 68 69 400235 20011 Def: 4 0.04%
Midandr Ancient 73 74 1879500 93975 Atk: 4 0.01%
MonsterMMORPG Warriors Valley: Game Map of MonsterMMORPG, Route Id 301, Zone Fighting. MonsterMMORPG Warriors Valley Game Map: Route Id: 301, Zone: Fighting. You can catch 77 different Monsters at this route of MonsterMMORPG game.
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