Full Review:
Most likeness to THAT game is purely coincidental at this very point,
however, because Monster MMORPG (M3O for short) is brimming with original content.
From Palladium Town to Vulture Rocks and everything in between, M3O has a shocking
total of 83 completely unique maps! In the vast majority of these maps, players
can hunt for Monsters to add to their collection; the sum of these Monsters adds
up to a staggering 659 Monsters of every color, shape, and size. With so many Monsters
out there for the catching, players are highly encouraged to progress through the
game from island to island using ships as their main method of traveling to other
landmasses until they are able to teach a Monster a special move which allows them
to traverse the ocean, or perhaps Fly them directly to their destination.
As players progress, the Monsters get rarer and more durable which leads players
to taking advantage of M3O's Monster Centers and Shops. Monster Centers are essentially
the medical and storage hubs of the Averium Isles where Monsters can be put away
for safekeeping or simply have their Health Points replenished. Shops are where
players buy any and all items, but not necessarily just items! Every Shop visited
has two branches of merchandise: Game-sold items and player-sold Items. Items sold
by the game are things like Monster Boxes which are used to capture Monsters, or
Tasty Potions which are effective for healing Monsters on the go. The items sold
by players are accessed at any Shop and listed in a Bazaar or marketplace and put
up for sale with any price the player desires.
However, the Bazaar is more commonly used for selling and trading Monsters. With
a thriving economy, players will often look to sell their duplicate or rare Monsters
for very generous profit which will allow them to buy other items, such as Monster
boxes which permits them to catch more Monsters to sell and repeat the cycle. Rarity
of Monsters is determined through a specific tier system. From most common to rarest,
these are the tiers: Regular - Superior - Emissary - Zenith - Legendary - Ancient.
Rarity of a Monster is generally heavily linked to the Monster's overall power,
making rarity a key factor when building a strong team of Monsters. Because the
upper tiers are hard to find, their value is augmented. Even at early stages in
the game, players have ample opportunity to hunt for rare Monsters.
On their journey, players will encounter various kinds of geography and all manner
of Monster habitats, everything from lush forests and choking deserts to volcanic
caverns and icy wonderlands! All the while on the move, players can access a built-in
chat and private messaging system allowing them to communicate and interact with
other players. The chat is divided into a grand total of 32 different languages
so that no matter where you're from you can type in your native tongue. Staff members
watch the chat daily to make sure that nobody tries to spoil anyone's fun, ensuring
that every player may enjoy the game to its fullest. Aside from casual chatter,
players are also brought together through competition; PvP plays a very heavy role
in the game, because winning battles earns you precious points and the top 1,000
players have their exact rank listed in the chat (anything above 1k is shown as
"1,000+"). Being in the "Top 1k" is considered a feat of determination and carries
with it a strong sense of notoriety and success.
PvP is a very in-depth matter at M3O because of all the fun variables that take
place in each and every battle. There are 18 different Monster Types, each with
strengths or weaknesses against other types. Some types even have resistances or
are unaffected by certain types. Moves also have one of the 18 elemental types,
however they are further diversified by being split into "Physical", "Special",
and "Supplementary" moves. Each Monster has six stats which determine their net
strength; those six are Health Points (HP), Attack (Physical), Defense, Special
Attack, Special Defense, and Speed. Defense decreases damage taken from Physical
moves and Attack increases damage dealt by your Monsters own Physical moves. Likewise,
Special Attack and Special Defense work similarly. Battle is turn-based with both
Monsters performing one move per turn, and Speed determines who attacks first in
a turn. HP dictates the total Health Points you have; the higher your Monster's
HP, the more times an enemy Monster has to hit it to defeat it. Supplementary moves
are moves that do not do damage but boost one or several stats and strengthen a
Monster; some Physical and Special moves have Supplementary effects, however because
they deal damage they aren't classified as Supplementary. With
users and rising, you're never going to run out of new people with which to test
your skill!
There are plenty of customization options, such as user avatars and overworld sprites.
You'll even be able to give your Monsters their own nicknames!
A continuous stream of content is being added to M3O, shaping it to be one of 2011's
must-play games. Whether you're casual or hardcore, solo or competitive, hermit
or cooperative, Monster MMORPG is the game for you. Remember, it's free to play...